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Easy to work with, reliable, private, and secure. It’s no wonder Loanis is the choice for Southwest Florida real estate investing and lending.

Investment minimum


Target Fund Size


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Unlock Investment Opportunities in Southwest Florida

Explore diverse real estate opportunities in Southwest Florida, offering a pathway to wealth growth and income enhancement. Real estate, while not without risks, has consistently outperformed equities in the past two decades in terms of risk-adjusted returns.


Min. Investment: 100k
Asset Class: Real Estate
Originator: Loanis


Min. Investment: 100k
Asset Class: Real Estate
Originator: Loanis


Min. Investment: 100k
Asset Class: Real Estate
Originator: Loanis


Min. Investment: 100k
Asset Class: Real Estate
Originator: Loanis

Investing in real estate provides several advantages

✔️ Tangible Asset: Real estate maintains its value even during economic downturns.

✔️ Inflation Hedge: Historically, real estate prices have exceeded inflation rates.

✔️ Strong Historical Performance: Real estate has demonstrated superior performance compared to equities.

✔️ Passive Income: Real estate offers opportunities for passive income generation.

✔️ Portfolio Diversification: Real estate’s lower correlation with public markets contributes to a diversified investment strategy.

Private Real Estate Investing is Finally For You